Where Do Our Bugs Come From?
Most of our insects are raised on butterfly farms all over the world in accordance with international law requirements. The main farms are in South and Central America, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Africa, and we also work with breeders in the USA. Many of the large farms we work with are eco-tourism operations that you might visit on vacation!
As most butterflies only live 4–6 days, many of these farms also sell the butterflies as part of their business structure. People grow and care for specific host plants to harvest commercially desirable butterfly species which provides ongoing income for generations; this requires the existence of large areas of surrounding native habitat, necessitating that land be preserved instead of sold or cleared for cash crops, such as palm oil. Butterfly farming helps preserve rainforests and assures the survival of species in their natural butterfly habitats. Most of these businesses are family owned and support their local economies.
Some of these farms are responsible for the fortification and growth of vulnerable species such as the birdwings of South East Asia. The farms operate under a release-sell policy where many of the raised butterflies are also released into the wild to increase the wild populations.